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Finding your Rashifal based on your date of birth is not a difficult task. To decide your Rashi from date of birth, you must first know the background information about Sun Sign and Moon Sign.
The Twelve Zodiac Signs (Rashis)
Astrology divides the sky above our head into twelve zodiac signs or constellations. Sun and Moon travel through these zodiac signs in periodic intervals. The zodiac sign where the sun is present at a particular time is called as Sun Sign and the position of the Moon at a given time is called the Moon Sign.
The names of the twelve Zodiac Sings or Rashis are as follows.
Mesha (Aries)
Vrishabha (Taurus)
Mithun (Gemini)
Karka (Cancer)
Simha / Sinh (Leo)
Kanya (Vigro)
Tula (Libra)
Vruschika (Scorpius)
Dhanu (Sagittarius)
Makar (Capricorn)
Kumbha (Aquarius)
Meena (Pisces)
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The Sun takes one full year to complete one round visiting all the zodiac signs. Thus, the Sun stays in a given zodiac for about a month. Therefore those who are born during that month come under that particular zodiac sign. As per the Sun Sign system, the zodiac sign changes only once in a month, Hence, once we have the date of birth, it is fairly easy to find out the zodiac sign of the individual. Given below are the date of birth and Rashi according to Sun Sign System.
21st March to 20th April – Aries (Mesh Rashi)
21st April to 21st May – Taurus (Vrishabh Rashi)
22nd May to 21 June - Gemini (Mithun Rashi)
22nd June 22nd July – Cancer (Karka Rashi)
23rd July to 21 August – Leo (Simha Rashi)
22nd August to 23rd September – Virgo (Kanya Rashi)
24th September to 23rd October – Libra (Tula Rashi)
24th October to 22nd November – Scorpio (Vrishchik Rashi)
23rd November to 22nd December – Sagittarius (Dhanus Rashi)
23rd December to 20th January – Capricorn (Makar Rashi)
21st January to 19th February – Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi)
20th February to 20th March – Pisces (Meena Rashi)
What is your Moon Sign as per date of birth?
Finding out your Rashi as per the Sun Sign system is fairly easy. Nevertheless finding the Moon Sign Rashi is a bit difficult process. Moon completes one round of all the zodiac signs in a month’s time. Hence, the Moon Sign Rashi changes once in every two and half days. Hence it is easy only for experts in astrology to tell you the Rashi as per the Moon Sign. To find out the Moon Sign Rashi, you must accurately record the time and date of birth since Moon sign can change within short intervals. Don't know your date of birth? Worry not, click here
Astrology is a wonderful science and the basis of the horoscope of every person. The western horoscope takes into account only Sun Sign. The Vedic astrology goes by the Moon Sign system. However, Sun Sign is also taken into account to prepare the horoscope of an individual. The Vedic horoscope calls Moon Sign as Rashi and Sun Sign as Laghna.
Rashifal also shows some of the characteristics we inherited from our solar sign.With the help of our Rashifal, our Rashifal can be recognized. The predictions of Rashifal or the sign of the sun show in advance what is written in our future. Through our Rashifal different phases of our life can be revealed that could affect us negatively or positively.
Things happen in our lives because they were destined to come with us. Our destiny is written before and everything in our life works according to our destiny. All we have to do is ask ourselves what will happen in our lives or what is written in our destiny that has not yet been revealed.
But the solutions are already there, only we are blinded by the truth. Astrology is the solution to all these secrets. It does not hide anything and indicates probable changes in the course of our lives. With the help of astrology, our birth charts are prepared and our sun sign or Rashi revealed. Basically, the planetary positions of the moment are born, we decide our solar sign. Our sun sign gives us some general characteristics for all those who fall in this sun sign. The signs of the sun can be decided by Indian or Western astrology.
Rashifal informs us in advance about what will be affected by the various events in our lives and how we can face similar or unfavorable circumstances. All of this can be seen through various planetary positions and the changes that affect them in our lives.
The 12 signs of the spine or sun are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Pisces, Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio, and Virgo. All are mounted under one of these umbrellas depending on the month and date of birth and inherit the special characteristics of the umbrellas. All the signs of the sun are also grouped under four forces of nature: earth, water, fire, and air.
Rashifal or forecasts can be made annually, below, daily or monthly, depending on needs and needs. With the help of your sun sign, your compatibility with other solar signals can also be controlled and compared, such as marriages and romantic relationships.
Those who do not believe in astrology and rashifal should know that astrology is not only a celestial art of fiction, but a respectable science studied by international students in various universities and institutes of reputation.
The 12 signs of the spine or sun are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Pisces, Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio, and Virgo. All are mounted under one of these umbrellas depending on the month and date of birth and inherit the special characteristics of the umbrellas.
AstroSaze presents a new Kundali making, horoscope making, rashifal and astrology app. Getting your personalised horoscope and rashifal based on Vedic astrology was never so easy before this app. This app is available in Hindi language apart from English.
What's your rashi?
The Rashi is the sign in which Moon was placed at your birth time. It's also called the Moonsign. The Moonsign is one of the most important points in Vedic Jyotish. Considerations like the planetary dasha, transits etc. are made in reference to the Rashi.
What can you learn from your Moonsign?
Vedic Astrology gives more important to Rashi than any other single point in the Kundali. Your Rashi reveals the major trends that govern your life, and give you a glimpse into your personality, nature and future.
Vedic Astrology Varshaphala
The Varshaphala or Tajik astrology gives you an analysis of any birth year. Just feed in your birth details and select what year you want the analysis for and get a period-by-period prediction that shows you what the stars say about your prospects.
Your Horoscope According To The Lal Kitab
Lal Kitab is a unique astrological system that uses the Karma theory to give you simple solutions to life’s problems.
The Lal Kitab horoscope is very different than the traditional Vedic astrology horoscope, and the way to interpret it also different and unique.
Our scholars deeply studied the Lal Kitab and we have computerized the systems and algorithms that are used to cast Lal Kitab kundali.
Get your authentic Lal Kitab kundali here along with interpretation and predictions from it.
Career Horoscope
Career is the big question on everyone’s mind. What will I do? What’s the best field for me? How can I get success? These are questions that are very important in everybody’s life.
If you select the right career path then things will be easier and you will be get success with the minimum bumps. If however, your career path is not right for you, then you will have to face a lot of challenges and failures.
With Vedic astrology, you can get some guidance about what the stars support and what they say you should not do. It will also give you an insight into your own aptitude and help you select a career path that’s most suitable for you.
our Kid’s Horoscope
You get a horoscope for your child the first thing when he or she is born, but everything in the Horoscope is predicted with an adult in mind. What about all the years in the between?
Won’t it be great if you had a horoscope that accounts for all the years while your kid grows up into an adult.
How will your child be? How will he behave? How will his education be? What about relationships with you and the world?
Get answers to all of these through Vedic astrology in this report.
Saturn Sadesati Analysis
Saturn is the most feared planet of all because it is the judge that rewards a person for his or her karma. The 7 ½ year period of Sadesati is especially feared because during this time an individual will face the biggest challenges of their life, says Vedic astrology.
An average person must face the Sadesati 3 times. In this time of challenge, it’s very important for you to be strong and take the right decisions in order to minimize the negative impact of Sadesati and make use of the opportunities that Saturn gives you.
Kalsarpa Yoga Analysis
Do you have the Kalsarpa Yoga and are feeling depressed because of it? Feel that nothing is going right in your life because of your Kalsarpa yoga?
It’s time to get back in control. The Kalsarpa Yoga analysis report will give you an in depth analysis of your Kalsarpa yoga and also show you exactly what remedies to perform, and how to approach your life despite the Kalsarpa yoga affliction.
Vedic Horoscope, also known as Janma-kundali or Janmapatri is the centre point of Vedic astrology.
Your Horoscope computes the position of various planets and astronomical aspects like Lagna, etc. at the time of your birth. The science of Vedic astrology (Jyotish) is the interpretation of this data.
Lal Kitab Horoscope
Get your entire year analyzed according to the Lal Kitab astrology system.
Lal Kitab is a unique astrology system based on the Karmic theory (karma and debt), which analysis what sort of karmic qualities are reflected in your kundali.
What’s unique about Lal Kitab are its easy to do remedies that help you get rid of your karmic debt and improve your fate.
This report will analyze your year according to the principles laid out in the Lal Kitab and will give you a period-by-period review of the situations you’re going to face and the things you can do to improve them.
A Horoscope or a Kundali is like a wide french door which opens to your past, present, and future. It sheds light on your character, personality traits, obstacles you'll have in life, and even the time you'll venture out in the big bad world outside. Horoscope or Rashifal uses the mystic knowledge of the planets and their influence on our birth charts to calculate how our future would pan out. Compiled in the format of Daily Horoscope, Weekly Horoscope, and Monthly Horoscope, these predictions are genuine to the T and are a sure shot way to keep you warm as the storm of your life kicks in!
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rashifal or Horoscope in Hindi to get detailed predictions about your day. Know what astrology and the celestial bodies have planned for you today. Get insights on each day of your life on a daily basis by following today's rashifal or based on your zodiac sign.